Monday, February 26, 2018

Ahoy to all who stumbled upon this small, unassuming corner of the world wide web!

I'm sure some may wonder upon what they've stumbled. Well, I'll enlighten you those who seek that answer. My name is Joey. I'm a middle age nobody in the middle of nowhere Texas and I've just bought my first caravan (or RV or travel trailer....whatever you want to call it).

So, this is my trailer being delivered by my loving father in the winter of 2018. I say winter, however this is turning out to be the mildest one in this part of the country in a very long time. It's more like a late summer that got kind of cool for a few months. They stopped somewhere more beautiful than where I live to snap this photo.

These caravans can be found at they start at roughly 2500 US dollars and are a small, family owned business near Ocala, Florida. This particular model is a RangeRunner model, which is slightly bigger at 6 feet wide by 8 feet long (  182cm x 243cm long for those outside of the US and UK) With all of the additions, this model cost me 5,450 USD, a modest sum compared to those who spend several thousands on models with more bathrooms than my modest apartment. And yes, I paid extra for the chrome and black wheels. Don't judge me.

My goals with this blog are to document my upgrades, improvements, experiments, and failures with my attempts to upgrade my new travel trailer. As of this writing it is sitting in my father's back yard in Dothan, Alabama and awaiting my arrival.  Stay Tuned kids! More to come soon! In about a week and a half I and my significant other are taking a trip during spring break, along with our two mongrel dogs, to Alabama to pick up my new caravan!

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